Sunday, November 29, 2009

Danny Ties Tracheostomy Ties

Welcome to my new blog. This site is dedicated to my dear children Jimmy, Rebecca and Daniel. My Danny Ties are named after my special son Daniel who is the reason I invented my tracheostomy ties. My children are the loves of my life and they bless me every single day.

The special joy that I receive from my kids and all children make me want to do all that I can to help them. My son Daniel's special journey into this world gave me an opportunity to experience many new things.

I came into contact with so many special people that have so much to contribute to our world. Doctors that treated my son, nurses that patiently loved and cared for Daniel and all my family, specialists that helped him to develop all the things that were lagging from many months in the hospital, and other parents that shared the struggles and triumphs that came with each passing hour.

It was through these incredible experiences that I received the inspiration to try to do something that may allow me to give back just a little of the amazing gifts that were given to me by these very special individuals.

When Daniel was experiencing difficulties resulting from his trach ties, I used my business and personal experiences to find a way to help solve these problems. I first designed my trach ties so that they would be more comfortable for Daniel to wear yet also easier for us to apply and remove. Next, I designed them to be more absorbant and keep moisture away from his skin...if that was possible! Daniel was always hot and sweaty! Finally, I tried to incorporate some design features that would allow the ties to function better than the ties on the market.

The result was my "Danny Ties". They are padded and use cotton material against the neck for comfort, have Velcro that is cut so it is easier to pull through and out of the eyelet of the trach tube, they lie flush about the neck at the transition from the padded section to the strap section of the tie, and they do not fold in half like most of the other ties.

I hope that my "Danny Ties" can help your loved one too. I know how special these wonderful individuals are and how much it means to make them feel better, even if the difference is just making their neck feel is a "difference". That is the goal of Leckie Medical Products, Inc., to provide products "that make a difference"!